Do you want a fuller breast but don’t want implants? Are you thinking of getting your breast augmentation without implants in Scottsdale, Arizona? Want to find out how fat transfer breast augmentation works? Our surgical practice in Scottsdale restores women’s natural beauty through fat-transfer breast augmentation. This procedure uses the patient’s body fat to enhance their breast size and shape. Our board-certified plastic surgeons customize each treatment plan and focus on the person’s unique features to make them shine. We have a QUAD-accredited surgical facility that provides privacy and convenience so women feel completely comfortable during this procedure. At Natural Results Plastic Surgery, our ultimate goal is to help patients feel more confident and love their appearance.
Here are some additional considerations:
The next step in this surgery is harvesting unwanted fat from a donor area such as the abdomen, back, flanks, and more. Dr. Mata and Dr. Benjamin utilize the best techniques to minimize scarring during liposuction. They create tiny incisions (nearly 0.2 inches long) and apply a VASER ultrasonic device to melt the fat cells. Our incisions are hidden.
Benefits of Fat Transfer Breast Enhancement
Long-Lasting Results
Minimally Invasive
More Natural Feel and Look
No Implants or Foreign Objects