Fat Transfer Natural Breast Augmentation
in Scottsdale, AZ

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Do you want a fuller breast but don’t want implants? Are you thinking of getting your breast augmentation without implants in Scottsdale, Arizona? Want to find out how fat transfer breast augmentation works? Our surgical practice in Scottsdale restores women’s natural beauty through fat-transfer breast augmentation. This procedure uses the patient’s body fat to enhance their breast size and shape. Our board-certified plastic surgeons customize each treatment plan and focus on the person’s unique features to make them shine. We have a QUAD-accredited surgical facility that provides privacy and convenience so women feel completely comfortable during this procedure. At Natural Results Plastic Surgery, our ultimate goal is to help patients feel more confident and love their appearance.

What Is Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

Fat transfer breast augmentation, also referred to as natural breast augmentation, is a plastic surgery procedure that improves breast size and shape using the patient’s body fat. The fat is harvested from one or multiple donor areas and transferred to your breast. The goal is to increase your breast’s size and add fullness without an artificial implant. The tissue is harvested via liposuction from different body parts, cleaned, and carefully injected into the breast area. This outpatient procedure takes 1-2 hours under anesthesia with sedation. The transferred fat integrates into the breast tissue to increase its volume without breast implants.
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Preparation for Fat Transfer
Breast Augmentation

The first step in this exciting journey is scheduling a consultation with our skilled plastic surgeons. We discuss the patient’s goals and the desired breast volume to achieve a proportional, natural look. Because the procedure involves liposuction to harvest body fat, patients need to do lab tests 1-2 weeks before surgery and stop smoking for at least a month.

Here are some additional considerations:

Fat Transfer To The Breast Surgical Technique
Natural Breast Augmentation Procedure

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Tumescent Solution

Before starting liposuction, the donor area is numbed with a tumescent solution to reduce bleeding and prevent any pain. We also provide IV sedation or general anesthesia to keep our patients comfortable during the operation.

The next step in this surgery is harvesting unwanted fat from a donor area such as the abdomen, back, flanks, and more. Dr. Mata and Dr. Benjamin utilize the best techniques to minimize scarring during liposuction. They create tiny incisions (nearly 0.2 inches long) and apply a VASER ultrasonic device to melt the fat cells. Our incisions are hidden.

Next, our surgeons use a MicroAire PAL system to maximize the effectiveness of liposuction. This powerful and precise instrument helps remove excess fat faster and keep it in a closed sterile system.
The suctioned tissue is processed to remove fluids, blood, and damaged cells, leaving only the healthy material for transfer. Purification may be done in a centrifuge machine or using filters. This procedure maximizes the viability of the fat graft.
The purified tissue is carefully re-injected into the breasts using small tubes called cannulas. The surgeon inserts them in different areas of the breast to ensure an even distribution.
After fat transfer, the tiny incisions made for liposuction are closed using dissolvable sutures or surgical tape. The surgeon applies a compression garment to support the breasts as they recover.

Add-On Procedure: Breast Lift

A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is a cosmetic procedure that raises and firms the breasts. Excess skin is removed during this surgery, and breast tissue is reshaped to raise the nipple and areola to a more youthful position. Many women seek breast lifts because pregnancy, nursing, weight changes, gravity, and aging have caused their breasts to sag. A breast lift creates a more youthful, uplifted, and contoured shape, especially when combined with natural fat transfer.

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What To Expect From Fat Transfer To The Breast?

It is important to expect that up to 20% of the fat tissue will not survive after the injections. 80% of visible results occur after two months, and little changes occur after six months. Fat transfer to the breast will increase your breast size by one cup size per surgery. If you want more volume, multiples surgeries will be needed. Fat cells are living cells, meaning if you lose or gain weight the appearance of your breast may change.

Recovery Time After Fat
Grafting To The Breast

After surgery, you will be able to go home. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled with our plastic surgeons to ensure your recovery. The intensity and duration of pain vary by individual. Initial recovery time is 1 to 3 days, and any swellings, bruising, and soreness resolve after a few weeks. Exercising should be avoided for at least 6 weeks. It takes approximately 6 months for the breasts to look, feel, and function generally in regards to softness and sensation.

Swelling and Bruising

It is normal to experience swelling and bruising of the breasts and liposuction sites for up to 6 weeks after surgery. These symptoms may increase for 2-3 days before subsiding. Wearing a compression garment can help minimize them. Bruises will change color and fade over time.
Discomfort and tightness in the breasts are common during the recovery period. However, we prescribe pain medication to keep patients relaxed and make sure that they feel well. It is important to have someone available to assist with daily tasks in the first week.
Rest is crucial for 5-7 days after fat transfer breast augmentation. During the first 2 weeks, patients should avoid lifting anything over 5 pounds or engaging in strenuous activity. Most people return to work after 10-14 days of healing. However, full recovery may take several months.
Follow-up appointments allow our surgeon to monitor healing, check incision sites, and track results. Appointments typically occur at the following milestones:

Candidate for fat transfer to the breast

The ideal candidates for fat transfer to the breast are healthy (if you have any health condition, you will need clearance from your doctor) and have enough fatty tissue for liposuction. Candidate needs to also understand that achieving the look of an implant may not be possible or will require multiple surgeries. Patients with asymmetric, small breasts and/or other irregularities can benefit from fat grafting to the breast.
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Women With Small Breasts

Women who start with small breasts (A or B cup) tend to see much better cosmetic results from fat grafting than the ones who begin with larger sizes. The transferred fat has higher survival rates and less tissue distortion.
Fat grafting can supplement traditional breast reconstruction methods, such as implants or flap techniques. Transferring natural tissue to the breast area after a mastectomy helps achieve the desired form, symmetry, and feel.
Another common motivation is to fix contour irregularities or defects left from injury, surgery, radiation, or congenital conditions. The transferred tissue can fill divots (indentations), smooth scars, and minimize other irregularities.
Natural augmentation requires patients to have sufficient donor fat, most commonly in the abdomen and thighs. Good candidates have these deposits and are healthy enough to undergo the fat-harvesting portion of the procedure. Women with a very low BMI may not be eligible for this surgery.
Patients should understand that up to 20% of the transferred tissue will not survive after the injections. Furthermore, this operation can increase breasts by only one cup size. If a patient wants more breast volume, they must undergo multiple surgeries. It is also important to remember that fat cells are living parts of the body. If a person loses or gains weight, the appearance of their breasts may change.

Benefits of Fat Transfer Breast

Benefits of Fat Transfer Breast Enhancement

Long-Lasting Results

The harvested fat integrates and permanently grows into fatty breast tissue. Most cells will remain viable for years if a good blood supply develops at the transfer site. Maintenance procedures may be needed as the body naturally reabsorbs some fat over time.

Minimally Invasive

Liposuction creates only minor incisions that heal quickly. The fat is then injected through tiny tubes. This minimally invasive technique involves less scarring, quicker recovery, and lower risk of complications compared to more complex breast surgeries.

More Natural Feel and Look

This surgery uses the patient’s natural fat to enhance their breast size. The transferred fat integrates with the existing breast tissue, creating a soft look and feel.

No Implants or Foreign Objects

Unlike traditional augmentations that use silicone or saline implants, breast fat transfer procedures do not require any artificial devices or materials. The fat is harvested from the patient’s body via liposuction. Therefore, women can avoid common problems associated with breast implants, such as capsular contracture or implant rupture.

Cost of Natural Breast
Augmentation in Scottsdale, AZ

The cost of natural breast augmentation in Scottsdale, AZ, ranges from $5,000 to $17,000. The price varies depending on the extent of the procedure, the surgeon’s fee, and anesthesia expenses. Patients may also incur additional costs for pre-surgery labs or other tests.
The final price of natural breast augmentation is determined during an initial consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon. He examines the patient, discusses their goals, and provides a detailed quote for the procedure. This consultation allows our specialists to evaluate each person’s unique anatomy and needs to recommend the best treatment plan.
Natural Results Plastic Surgery offers the option of paying for the procedure in smaller installments using CareCredit, Alphaeon Credit, or PatientFi.

What Makes Our Breast Enhancement
Procedures Different From Others?

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At Natural Results Plastic Surgery, we take a compassionate approach to cosmetic procedures. Our main philosophy is that patients should enhance their unique features instead of conforming to a single ideal. We can help people achieve this higher level of self-love and confidence. Our board-certified plastic surgeons, Dr. Carlos Mata and Dr. Martin Benjamin, have decades of experience performing excellent cosmetic procedures.
Natural Results Plastic Surgery has a QUAD-approved surgical suit that allows us to conduct natural breast augmentations with maximum privacy, safety, and convenience. Patients love our philosophy of self-care and acceptance because it inspires them to become better versions of themselves. Every person has a unique beauty, and our goal is to make it shine to the fullest!
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